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NEOSafeâ„¢ Sorbent Powder
NEOSafeâ„¢ Sample Kit Instructions
NEOSafeâ„¢ is a lightweight Occupational Safety product designed to remove the last 7% of oil sheen without the use of harmful solvents or chemicals. The unique formula of cell structure to particle size makes NEOSafeâ„¢ the easiest and safest product on the market to clean up 99% of petroleum-based residue on slippery floors, greasy parts, and oily or gasoline-covered surfaces.
Get NEOSafeâ„¢
NEOSafeâ„¢ characteristics include:
Zero Respirable Crystalline Silica
Lightweight material
Great for Petrochemical Spill Kits.
Hydrophobic (Resists water absorption)
Low heat transfer coefficient
Easy cleanup
Acceptable for use on a variety of materials from concrete to fabric
No special handling or respiratory equipmentÂ
Increases Friction
Removes Petrochemicals from water
Works on smooth or coarse surfaces
Easy to Use
Easy to Transport
For Final 7% Oil Sheen Cleanup:
Cover the area thoroughly with NEOSafeâ„¢.Â
With a brush or broom, work the NEOSafeâ„¢ into the oil-sheen.
Sweep NEOSafeâ„¢ into a pile and scoop up. Dispose of in accordance with the type of spill absorbed.
Test for slipperiness. Repeat steps 1 – 3 if required. Usually, one treatment is sufficient.
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